Multi-Currency IBAN Account
Receive funds from 70+ countries across the globe

With the Moneycorp multi-currency IBAN, you can receive international payments from over 70 countries. Instead of having different accounts for different currencies, with Moneycorp Bank you have just one receiving account. This makes your payments swifter and simpler.
Payments can be time-consuming when you have to input lots of different bank details. With one IBAN, we will route the payment into the correct currency quickly and into your Moneycorp wallet – completely free of charge. Our all-encompassing API platform further streamlines the international payments process by automating key functions including simplified receiving, integrated validation services and real-time information on exchange rates.
Recognised worldwide by international banks, payments are hassle-free and there is no receiving charge with the multiple currency IBAN.
You receive the IBAN as part of your Moneycorp bank account benefits package
There is less room for error with an IBAN, meaning payments are faster
No need for references, meaning payments are swifter and hassle-free
Tier options
You can also enable parent-child tiers on your account, perfect for multiple entities and large businesses
Here are the some frequently asked questions about IBANs:
What is an IBAN?
An IBAN (or International Bank Account Number) is an alphanumeric code that can be used by banks in other countries to identify an account when making an overseas payment. Often referred to as an ‘IBAN Number’, an IBAN contains up to 34 numbers and letters, depending on the country and bank the account belongs to. This code typically includes a two letter country code, a two digit check code, a four character bank identifier code and other routing information.
Why do I need an IBAN?
When receiving an international payment or sending money abroad yourself, an IBAN helps to identify the bank account and ensure the payment arrives in the right place at the right time.
Does every country use IBAN for international payments?
While a number of countries process foreign payments using IBAN numbers, they aren’t used across the entire world. Over 70 countries have adopted the IBAN numbering system, however notable exceptions include USA, Australia, and New Zealand. In addition, the regulations in some countries deem the use of IBAN numbering as mandatory, while others simply recommend it.
Most of Europe use IBAN codes, as do some areas of Africa, Central America and the Middle East.
How long is an IBAN number?
An IBAN can be anywhere between 16 and 34 alphanumeric characters long, with the length depending on which country and which bank the accounts belongs to. In Gibraltar, an IBAN consists of 23 characters, and will always begin with the letters GI followed by the numbers 75.
How can I find out my IBAN number?
Finding your IBAN code is a quick and simple process, as long as you know where to look. However, this can also be different depending on the country your bank is located in. You’ll likely be able to find your IBAN and BIC (Swift) Code, as well as your account number, by viewing a bank statement or logging onto your online banking platform.
If your account is with a Gibraltar bank, you will even be able to work out what your IBAN is with a simple formula. This formula is the same for every bank account in Gibraltar and is as follows:
ISO code – Check Code – First 4 digits of BIC (Swift) Code – Account Number
For an example of how your Gibraltar IBAN would look in print format, see below. This example is for a hypothetical customer with the account number: 0123 4567 8901 234
GI75 NWBK 0123 4567 8901 234
If you still can’t find or figure out your IBAN, it is highly recommended to speak to your bank or financial advisor. Knowing your IBAN is very important as it will avoid potentially providing the wrong one to someone wishing to make a payment to you, and adding complications further down the line.
Marketplace IBAN & US Routing Numbers
Included within your Moneycorp bank account is the ability to receive funds from numerous marketplaces across Europe and the US.